Posts tagged “web

Black or White?

#Multimedia Hmmm… (Sounds/Looks Interesting!) #3d #edu #web cc @downes

Multimedia is the use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way. Long touted as the future revolution in computing, multimedia applications were, until the mid-90s, uncommon due to the expensive hardware required. With increases in performance and decreases in price, however, multimedia is now commonplace. Nearly all PCs are capable of displaying video, though the resolution available depends on the power of the computer’s video adapter and CPU.

Then again, this whole subject is quite extensive in regard to the mobile, social cloud, right? 🙂

Gotta #Love #Droids 😉

40 Twitterapps: Twitter Tools, Widgets & Applications

Autopostr: With this tool, Twitter users can instantly inform all of their friends whenever they post a photo on Flickr.

BiggerTwitter: An app (or add-on) that can be used to post tweets longer than 140 characters on Twitter. BiggerTwitter works by placing a link in the tweet.

BigTwitt: A Twitter tool that lets users post messages that exceed Twitter’s 140 character limit. A URL shorten service to shrink tweet URLs to 20 characters, plus track and share URLs.

Bkkeepr: A Twitter tool that allows users to keep track of books they are currently reading.

Blackbird Pie: A Twitter tool that allows individuals to embed tweets into Web sites or blog posts instead of copying and pasting tweets or taking screenshots. Users simply need to enter the URL of the tweet they want to include.

Check Yes or No: Users can visit this site to compose simple yes or no questions and then share them on Twitter by using the “Send to Twitter” feature.

Blackbird: The name of a Twitter client for BlackBerry smartphones.

Flock: A social browser with many Twitter related features. Users can send and read tweets, read mentions, and perform and save Twitter searches. There is also a character count tool Twitter users can use to make
sure they stay within the character limit.

Foamee: A website where Twitter users can keep track of who owes them drinks (beer or coffee) and what drinks they owe to others.

FollowersForSale: With this Twitter tool, users can buy a certain number of followers for a set price.

FoodFeed: Using this site, users can share their food and eating habits in Twitter posts.

Friend or Follow: A Twitter tool to find out whether people you following are following you back, and whether they are following the people following them. Interested twitterers simply need to enter their Twitter username at the site.

Geotwitter: A website users can visit to view the geographical source of the most recently posted tweets. Google’s own URL shortener. Offers short URLs, reliable service and good uptime.

GroupTweet: A Twitter tool that lets users send messages that can only be viewed by a selected group of Twitter friends.

gTwitter: A Twitter application developed for Linux, it allows users to post, read timelines, receive notifications, and more. Categorize your tweets so people can find them and understand what they are all about.

Hellotxt: A tool that lets users update Twitter and other social networking sites by clicking a single button. Currently, 50 social network sites are supported. ()

Ianswr: Compiles questions asked on Twitter and permits any Twitter user to answer them.

InnerTwitter: Encourages Twitter users to meditate by sending chimes at specific time intervals or at random times throughout the day. These chimes are the signal for users to spend a few quiet moments in meditation.

iTweet: This is an interface for Twitter designed to make it easier to use Twitter from an iPhone.

Jotabl: A “shoutbox” you can display on any site or blog letting your visitors leave comments via a Twitter login.

LinkBunch: This tool lets Twitter users combine several links into one link so they can be shared in a single tweet.

LiveGo: Stay connected to multiple social networks including Twitter, Facebook, Instant Messenger clients and online email accounts.

LoudTwitter: A Twitter tool that allows Twitter users to display Twitter updates on their blog.

Monitter: Monitter is the name of a free Twitter tool that lets users monitor the Twitter service for a set of three keywords. Monitter then shows you what people are tweeting for the keywords.

Natter: Monitor your tweets and posts to your Facebook.

PocketTweets: The name of a mobile Web-based Twitter client for the iPhone. You can use it to see the latest tweets from your contacts or to update your status remotely.

TinyURL: shrink your URLs to 23 characters on Twitter or any online publishing space.

TurnSocial: A free social toolbar for small businesses to add popular social media and location-based applications, in addition to content from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Foursquare and more.

Twadget: A gadget that lets users view and submit tweets from the Twitter Vista Sidebar Gadget

Tweet Effect: Filter Twitter data to show which of your own tweets made people follow or leave you.

TweetLevel: Measure an individual’s importance on Twitter using four key ranking metrics: influence, popularity, engagement and trust.

Twibs: An application that lets Twitter users find businesses on twitter.

Twidroid: A full-featured Twitter app designed for use on Android mobile phones.

TwitDir: Search within Twitter usernames, locations, and descriptions.

Twitrank: A Twitter user ranking service that provides an updated list of the top 150 Twitter users

Twitscoop: A Twitter search tool that lets Twitter users tracks popular trends and events.

TweetStats: Use this tool to see Twitter stats including tweets per hour, tweets per month, tweet timeline and reply statistics.

Twitter Widgets: Twitter’s own widgets are compatible with any website and most social networks.

You Can Always Nudge Someone On #Facebook About IT…

Interesting Games That People Play, Huh?

…and of course… YOU Could Always #Google It! 😉 😉

About Google

 And Be The Most AWESOME Multimedia ‘SELF’ Ever! 😉 😉

& Please Make Sure You (R)ead, w(R)ite, (R)etweet & (R)epeat This.

To Send LOTS Of Butterflies Out

Because There’s Rockin’ Robins Who Tweet. 🙂 #Music Of Course! #LOL

Which Makes You REAL Happy (Since This Is ALL YUMMY Stuff!)

And It Makes You #SMILE 🙂

And You’ll Get LOTS of @RecoveryRelief From It


Once In Awhile. 🙂  

Sincerely, Debbie @RecoveryRelief.

Reasons You May Not Get Sleep.

Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep:

  • Set a schedule:

Go to bed at a set time each night and get up at the same time each morning. Disrupting this schedule may lead to insomnia. “Sleeping in” on weekends also makes it harder to wake up early on Monday morning because it re-sets your sleep cycles for a later awakening.

  • Exercise:

Try to exercise 20 to 30 minutes a day. Daily exercise often helps people sleep, although a workout soon before bedtime may interfere with sleep. For maximum benefit, try to get your exercise about 5 to 6 hours before going to bed.

  • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol:

Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, which acts as a stimulant and keeps people awake. Sources of caffeine include coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, non-herbal teas, diet drugs, and some pain relievers. Smokers tend to sleep very lightly and often wake up in the early morning due to nicotine withdrawal. Alcohol robs people of deep sleep and REM sleep and keeps them in the lighter stages of sleep.

  • Relax before bed:

A warm bath, reading, or another relaxing routine can make it easier to fall sleep. You can train yourself to associate certain restful activities with sleep and make them part of your bedtime ritual.

  • Sleep until sunlight:

If possible, wake up with the sun, or use very bright lights in the morning. Sunlight helps the body’s internal biological clock reset itself each day. Sleep experts recommend exposure to an hour of morning sunlight for people having problems falling asleep.

  • Don’t lie in bed awake:

If you can’t get to sleep, don’t just lie in bed. Do something else, like reading, watching television, or listening to music, until you feel tired. The anxiety of being unable to fall asleep can actually contribute to insomnia.

  • Control your room temperature:

Maintain a comfortable temperature in the bedroom. Extreme temperatures may disrupt sleep or prevent you from falling asleep.

  • See a doctor if your sleeping problem continues:

If you have trouble falling asleep night after night, or if you always feel tired the next day, then you may have a sleep disorder and should see a physician. Your primary care physician may be able to help you; if not, you can probably find a sleep specialist at a major hospital near you. Most sleep disorders can be treated effectively, so you can finally get that good night’s sleep you need.

“With a little seed of imagination you can grow a field full of hope for your Recovery Relief.”




by @DebraUlrich

Top 100 #Google+ Users: /v @RecoveryRelief #music #blog










You’ve Got A #G+ #Friend 😉                        

by @DebraUlrich

“@Twylah Turns Your #Twitter Account #In2 A Website” #Tips via @KeithKeller & @StacyZapar. @RecoveryRelief #quote














by @DebraUlrich

6 Standout #SocialMedia World Records /via @RecoveryRelief


by @DebraUlrich

“You know u want one!” <-An #ipad #music #video via @youtube. @DebraUlrich needs this 4her #recoveryrelief. #Lol :)


by @DebraUlrich

Do you ‘unplug’ and take a virtual vacation?





It may be a good idea, and it’s not just on weekends anymore!
Remember: Sleeping and eating well is vital for your overall well-being; as is exercise, like swimming (which works wonders too!).
Also, remember to take time seeing the back of your eyelids after reading a lot (especially if it’s done on a bright screen).

by @DebraUlrich

It’s said: #God grant me patience, yet please #hurry up w/the #evolutionof the #mobile #social #cloud. ~ @DebraUlrich #quote



This is for all #peopleunited4recoveryrelief who ‘happened to’ #stumbleupon developing #hashtagitis symptoms, perhaps as a #twitterholic #in need of a way to #amplify #hotmail items as a way to get #relief from getting #myspace being to cluttered.
A ‘home sweet home’ as a #technology ‘place’ that one can ‘#google over’ with lots of addresses like #EmpireAvenue to #facebook themselves (&or an entity) all over the place is a wonderfully perfect place to be. Eternally.
[Make sure you #<3urtweets as well as yourself, and please get #help and #recoveryrelief if you (or another) have an #addiction, while I go get a #buzz looking at my #friendfeed now. Ok?]
#ThankYOU very much! 🙂 

by @DebraUlrich

“With few #words, one can speak the #truth.” #BryanAdams #quote (Native Son)




by @DebraUlrich

#Happy #FF I’m #grateful. Grandma got a #facebook #youtube #video (just) 2days ago & it’s NOT the 13th (haha!). #Celebrate :)


by @DebraUlrich

Cartoon: Command, #Control & #Cake Too! via @rww #recoveryrelief


Please read:

by @DebraUlrich

“The #soul is #healed #by being with children.” #Dostoyevsky #quote /via @RecoveryRelief @youtube #music #video


by @DebraUlrich

“The peace I am thinking of is the dance of an open mind when it engages another equally open one.” #Toni Morrison #quote v @DennyCoates


by @DebraUlrich

“#Two Against #One” ~ @DebraUlrich @RecoveryRelief #cloud, #music #video #photo @youtube.


by @DebraUlrich

#Home On The Range @RecoveryRelief #in #b2b #b2c #EAv #cloud #music #video


by @DebraUlrich

“What are you doin’? #What ya’ got? #Where’re #you @?” ~DU #quote @RecoveryRelief #status


by @DebraUlrich

#HowTo #Punk ~ @DebraUlrich via @RecoveryRelief

From 1977, this is from a “‘zine” about “How To Look Punk” written by Marliz, who according to the “note on author” is “internationally known in the industry for her marketing ability in current-trend perception and ‘how to’ help it explode on the scene.'”

This is quite an artifact.
Punk Rock, The New Wave oulrichf Sound & Style: “How To Look Punk”(PDF, via threadbared, 

Diggin #Deep With #Internal #Site #Search ~@RecoveryRelief #2 #finance #seo #business #metrics #tools #research


by @DebraUlrich

“Do YOU get “#geekykooky” like I #do too?” / @RecoveryRelief #quote



This is one of the main reasons for me needing my own (personal) @RecoveryRelief. I need 2ask for your help! After all, I am only one person.

#Iamnotatechie & NOT #reallycomputerliterate,

& I #donotwant2spendmywholefreakindayonline anymore,

& I also

#need$ #2live on in my #lifetime 2take care of/build & expand capacity of @RecoveryRelief.

So here’s some #mail…

I like 2get mail! Don’t u? 🙂

*Note: This is (2be) considered as “#travel related” #communication 2u on a #TravelTuesday &/or #everyday.

#ThankYOU 4your time regarding this message/tweet/post #nonprofit status of mine! ~DaU. 😉
by @DebraUlrich

#LinkedIn – 10 Things I Never Knew… #TY 4this @TheRealSJR @businessinsider! #2 #usguys 2


Check it out!
Business Insider via:


by @DebraUlrich

“Oh How We Weave The #Web :)” ~@DebraUlrich #quote

web panel

In 1969 scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, transmitted a couple of bits of data between two computers, and thus the Internet was born. Today about 2 billion people access the Web regularly, zipping untold exabytes of data (that’s 1018 pieces of information) through copper and fiber lines around the world. In the United States alone, an estimated 70 percent of the population owns a networked computer. That number grows to 80 percent if you count smartphones, and more and more people jump online every day. But just how big can the information superhighway get before it starts to buckle? How much growth can the routers and pipes handle? The challenges seem daunting.

The current Internet Protocol (IP) system that connects global networks has nearly exhausted its supply of 4.3 billion unique addresses. Video is projected to account for more than 90 percent of all Internet traffic by 2014, a sudden new demand that will require a major increase in bandwidth. Malicious software increasingly threatens national security. And consumers may face confusing new options as Internet service providers consider plans to create a “fast lane” that would prioritize some Web sites and traffic types while others are routed more slowly.

Fortunately, thousands of elite network researchers spend their days thinking about these thorny issues. Last September DISCOVER and the National Science Foundation convened four of them for a lively discussion, hosted by the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, on the next stage of Internet evolution and how it will transform our lives.

DISCOVER editor in chief Corey S. Powell joined Cisco’s Paul Connolly, who works with Internet service providers (ISPs); Georgia Tech computer scientist Nick Feamster, who specializes in network security; William Lehr of MIT, who studies wireless technology, Internet architecture, and the economic and policy implications of online access; and Georgia Tech’s Ellen Zegura, an expert on mobile networking.

“Few people anticipated Google’s swift rise, the vast influence of social media, or the Web’s impact on the music, television, and publishing industries. How do we even begin to map out what will come next?” ~ Powell

“One thing the Internet has taught us thus far is that we can’t predict it. That’s wonderful because it allows for the possibility of constantly reinventing it.” ~ Lehr

“Our response to not being able to predict the Internet is to try to make it as flexible as possible. We don’t know for sure what will happen, so if we can create a platform that can accommodate many possible futures, we can position ourselves for whatever may come. The current Internet has held up quite well, but it isready for some changes to prepare it to serve us for the next 30, 40, or 100 years. By building the ability to innovate into the network, we don’t have to know exactly what’s coming down the line. That said, Nick and others have been working on a test bed called GENI, the Global Environment for Network Innovations project that will allow us to experiment with alternative futures…” ~ Zegura

30 Fresh and Beautiful Web Designs

Shaping the Page

We design beautiful interfaces, websites, and print projects for a variety of developers, businesses, and organizations.


Zero Zero Project

In the same way that the 00 visual identity symbolises the duality of collaboration and the act of binding collaborators, ideas, processes and philosophies together, The Collective V are very proud to bring you 00 Volume 01, Black Material Robert Knoke with 3 Deep.


Lost World’s Fairs

Internet Explorer 9 now supports WOFF, and the Friends of Mighty have joined forces to explore typographic possibilities on the web.


Eight Hour Day

A Couple That Loves to Create. Eight Hour Day is a design boutique, and we love what we do. It’s who we are.


Prince Street International Films

Prince Street International Films is an independent production company using film to connect America with the rest of the world.



We are skilled in design, accessibility, web standards, database driven applications and industry leading platforms. Together we work to deliver the best possible solution for your web project that works for you, and your customers.



Springhouse is an independent firm of highly qualified solicitors and advocates. We’re friendly, flexible and always on hand to help.


made my day

Web design blog by Marc Hinse.



TENTHMIL is an online platform for conversation about environmental issues in order to make things happen in the fields of clean energy, ecological restoration, and an altogether healthier environment.


Third Culture Studios

Creativity, pure and simple.



(Bh)xII™ is a platform to chronicle media that discovered by Bharath Bhushan.


The Squad

Hit us up for a little help with your branding, digital marketing and traditional media creative.





“CRESCENDO” is the name of the retail shops in which Johannes Kiderlen sells his unique vinegars and oils in accordance with his specially developed system – look, smell, taste!



We build fresh websites and amazing community solutions.


nGen Works

We use strategy, technology and creativity to help people get things done in the digital space.


Rune Werner Molnes

Rune Werner Molnes – Photographer


Shawn Johnston

Web designer, Apple fanboy and WordPress expert.



Why do we do what we do? It has a lot to do with guts, craft and a tiny alligator mouth.


Sarah Camp

A passionate web & graphic designer, interactive designer, art director, design maven.


We are one of the leading website design and development company in INDIA. We offer economical website design packages for small businesses in india and worldwide.



SkyLedger will change the way you look at bookkeeping and accounting forever.


International Storytelling Center

We are an organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering people across the world to accomplish goals and make a difference by discovering, capturing, and sharing their stories.



We’re here to create game-changing ideas that make extraordinary things happen.


we are Synapse

We are a creative-multidisciplinary graphic design studio based in Melbourne.


Two Giraffes

Two Giraffes is a petting zoo for creativity, code & happy clients.



We are a creative web boutique based in Lisbon, Portugal. We craft and sell sites and apps since 2001.



We are a group of guys and gals who love to barbecue.


Lucia Soto

I’m Lucia, a graphic designer, illustrator, keen photographer, La Casa Azul fan, a novice rockstar and amateur princess.



The Best Designs

Internet Time Alliance @DebraUlrich #RecoveryRelief